V-Zone Movies & TV App is a Mobile Media Player system which run under Android platform that used for your Movies, Video Series & TV Live channels.
HD Streams & Premium
Over 7000 Streams with most streaming in HD in over 50 countries.We do not re-stream so we control content & service reliability
We Share the top events with great reliability on fast reliable server
Live Sports and TV Shows
We get it, choosing high service for your favorite sports and tv shows is not easy, but with V-Zone Movies & TV you are getting 2+ years of experience in the industry. Your getting experience that in return gets your Premium Streaming that’s not only reliable but dependable.
We do not host, provide, archive, store, distribute or stream media of any kind on our V-Zone Movies & TV Apps. We do not own, manage, control, run, maintain or have any access to the servers or entity involved in indexing/telecasting media of any kind. We at V-Zone Movies & TV Apps do not stream any of the live IP channels, all channels are third party links available on the internet.
We have no association with any of the IP channels shown or any of these products. TV channels and video content of the services are being provided without any liability from us regarding copyrights.
Per our knowledge all channels provided by the server sellers abide by all relevant countries copyright laws and any copyright issues must be taken up directly with the server owners, V-Zone Movies & TV Apps does not take any liability as to what is aired on the servers and V-Zone Movies & TV Apps have NO control over the servers or streams.